Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Cup Runneth Over

I have always been grateful to Ed Ames.  One of my all-time favorite songs is "My Cup Runneth Over".  If you don't know the song, I have put a You Tube clip on my Facebook page.  It's a song about the simple things in life. When i-Tunes was established, and it was one of the first purchased songs I put on my i-Pod.

It's a song about simple moments, and how those moments can fill your heart to overflowing.  Those are the moments that keep me going right now.  I don't know if it was in the eulogy at the funeral (parts of that are huge blanks) but there was a day like that last summer.  It was in early June, and Gar and I were in the living room watching TV.  Actually, I was watching TV and Gar, along with Primo, Kirby and Isabella were all sleeping peacefully.  I looked around the room, my cup overflowed with love and I thanked God for all of the wonderful things in my life.  I did not know that my life was about to be overturned, but I do remember that moment, and I am grateful for that.  I've thought about it a lot, and it's not the grand passion that makes a wonderful marriage, or even a wonderful life, it's the small moments.  As some of the pain is peeling away in my mind, more and more of those small moments are coming back.  There were many days, when just like in the song, I would lay and watch Gar sleep and think about how much I loved him, and I would thank God.  Other moments where I would share something with Gar and see the special smile that he had just for me are starting to come back too.  One time was when this song came on my i-Tunes when we were listening to it in the car.  I looked at Gar and told him that the song always reminded me of him and our marriage, and he got that special smile.

I'm going to do something now that I usually don't do in this blog, I'm going to get preachy.  I figured I've earned it.  Don't ever take your love or your marriage, or anyone that you love in your life for granted.  You never know when God is going to call them home.  Gar and I, even before our marriage, always told each other "I love you", and we always ended, and I still do, each conversation with our kids that way.  All relationships are gift from God, to show us God's  love.  So not only do you say I love you a lot, but you also stop and thank God for that love.  I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, wonderful children and grandchildren, wonderful parents, a wonderful sister and her family, and many, many friends.  I have thanked God for all of them, many times.  So today, I sit for a few minutes, thank God for thirty wonderful years with Gar, and the many wonderful things in my life.  Then I move on with my day.

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