Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The boogie man under my bed

So, after two days of driving on my vacation, I've had several random thoughts.  Of course, some of those thoughts center on my recent experiences with very early stage breast cancer.  I made a realization about my reaction to this that I want to share.  I think that every girl grows up a fear and awareness of breast cancer, how can you not, especially in this day and age.  In my case, the boogie man lived very close to me.  I can't remember a day that I didn't know that both of my grandmothers died of breast cancer.  As a child, my biggest ache was that I didn't have a grandmother.  I heard from relatives how much either of my grandmothers would have loved to have a granddaughter like me or my sister.   As I moved through my life, friends and acquaintences were diagnosed with cancer.  Some unfortunately died, others have fought and gone into remission.  So, boom, after several rounds of diagnostic tools, they discovered my cancer, thankfully after it left my body.  I get to spend six weeks of radiation, then hopefully, all will be well.  So, why am I writing this? Couple of reasons.  First I want to say that the minute I named that particular boogie man, I was able to turn it over to God, and let God worry about it.  I know that God was there with the early diagnosis.  I also know that God loves me, and my future is in God's very capable hands.  Secondly, is a reminder that diagnostics are huge in this disease.  Since I have been diagnosed, I have learned of many people who found the cancer early, as I did, treated it, and are doing fine today.  Who knows, if those diagnostics and over all awareness of breast cancer had been available sixty years ago, maybe I would have known my grandmothers.  Thank you God for the tools of diagnosis.  Ok, so now I have these thoughts named and verbalized, so let's have a great time on vacation!!

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