Saturday, July 19, 2014


I woke up lonely in Statesville, NC this morning.  Tomorrow some of my friends will be arriving in Charlotte for the Triennial Convention and Gathering, and many more will be arriving on Monday.  Tomorrow I will also attend the ELCA congregation that I found in Statesville and be with fellow believers who may be strangers, yet we are all family.  But I still woke up lonely in Statesville today.

I'm alone in Statesville because I allowed extra time in my travels.  I didn't want to arrive late in Charlotte because of breakdowns or an extra day of travel.  But God was with me all of the way, and I arrived here safely.  I also allowed extra time so that I could decompress after a day of driving, so I continue to do that today, along with a week's worth of laundry.  It's been good traveling so far.  I continue to adjust to a life without Gar, the same is so true about traveling.  Gar and I had so many wonderful trips together, and I've remembered all of those trips this week.  I have also faced a lot of my fears this week, mostly fears of pulling a bigger camper.  God has been my pilot, and I have traveled through mountains and through pouring rain.  It's been good.  I have learned how to respect my camper when I pull it and not be afraid.  

Last night in my dreams I remember crying because I missed Gar.  This is the first dream that I can remember where I've dreamt that Gar has been gone.  I think that is part of why I woke up so lonely.  But I was immediately reminded of one thing.  While I wake up lonely, I am never alone.  God is always with me.  What an amazing feeling.  I went into my email and first read my verse of the day.  This is the verse that was in my inbox....Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.~~Isaiah 41:10.  How awesome is that!!  Then I went on to my daily Bible readings and there was Psalm 23.  Wow, God is with me and I am not alone!  We'll see what God has in the plans for me today, other than laundry.  I am not afraid of my day anymore.  God is good, all the time.

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