Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Medal report

He did it. Gar won a bronze medal in the B1 mens scratch singles event, bowling a 665 six game series. Today he stood on an Olympic medal stand from the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Standing with him on the silver medal platform was Jack Lenk from St Louis Missouri. The other USA medal winners were as follows: Melody Heath from Durham, NC - bronze medal in the B1 handicap womens singles and Marie Van Liere from Newport News, VA - silver medal in the B2 scratch event and gold medal in the B2 handicap womens events, so we got to listen to national anthem once. I am so proud of all of the bowlers, but proudest of my husband, but I'm very prejudiced. It was so incredible to see him standing there so proud. I took lots of pictues, I'll get them out later on Snapfish. Let me know if you are interested in a link for that.

Today was the three person event. Gar bowled well, a 500 four games series, but his team mates were not quite as strong. A couple of USA teams did well, so there are medal possibilities there.

Well, I'd better go and iron our clothes for our cruise on the Sydney Harbor tonight. More later. Thanks for your support, prayers and e-mails.

Nanc and Gar

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